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Student life at wchs

Student life during high school is not just a complement to academics; it is an integral part of a student's educational journey. It offers opportunities for personal growth, skill development, social connections, 以及自我发现,这对于塑造全面发展的人,为成年后的挑战做好准备是无价的.

在西区,学生的高中生活从学生生活开始. 学生生活可以培养健康的高中经历的几个原因包括:

  • A sense of belonging: being part of clubs, 团队, 或者其他学生组织可以帮助学生感受到归属感和与学校社区的联系. 这可以对他们的精神和情感健康产生积极影响.
  • Diverse Experiences: 学生生活为学生提供了探索广泛兴趣和活动的机会, from sports and arts to clubs and community service. This diversity helps students discover their passions and talents.
  • College and Career Opportunities: 学院和大学通常会寻找那些积极参加高中活动的全面发展的学生. 除了, 通过学生生活获得的技能和经验在大学申请过程中以及以后的职业生涯中都是很有价值的.

Winter 2023-2024 Student Activities

第二届动员大会于11月举行,突出并表彰了我们的冬季运动队. 学生会在每年的这个时候都在忙着准备以下活动:

Sadie Hawkins Dance

赛迪·霍金斯是一种半正式的女孩邀请男孩的舞蹈,充满了舞蹈、迪斯科. 的西区, and other fun activities. 今年的主题是迪斯科舞会赛迪·霍金斯舞会!
Mr. 的西区
Male students can sign up to run for Mr. 西城通向加冕礼,加冕礼在赛迪·霍金斯舞会上举行. Mr. 西区是一场才艺比赛,每个选手在一周内通过各种幽默表演获得积分. 此外,最后一天的投票发生在动员大会之后. 西区决赛选手最后一次在全体学生和他们的家人面前表演. This is when they each sing a song, or dance to a song. 
决赛选手将在赛迪·霍金斯的活动上亮相,其中一人将被加冕为Mr. 的西区. Congratulations to the 2024 winner, junior Geddy Spencer.


This event starts with a tailgate party:
我们将在下午5点到6点30分举行家庭聚会. 整个家庭都被邀请参加这次活动,西区将免费提供一些烤热狗和薯条,直到他们离开. 一定要带上自己的晚餐、配菜和甜点,也许还有一些可以和你周围的人分享. Do not bring alcohol to the's not that kind of tailgate party. Parking is limited, and it is first come, first served. We are asking families not to come too early and save spots...we do want to keep this family friendly.

PowderPuff Game:
粉扑是一项活动,女性可以参加旗杆橄榄球(按年级),男性作为啦啦队员参加. The ceremony will start at 6:30pm and then kickoff will be at 7pm. We will have a half-time show, cheerleaders, and concessions! Be sure to bring layers in case it gets cold. 






Fall 2023 Student Activities

Our First Pep Rally was a glowing success. We enjoyed both our Cheer program & 斯图科的辛勤工作,因为他们创造了一个有趣的集会,突出和表彰我们的秋季运动队.
We had a great time learning a staff, STUCO & 这是在集会上为我们的学生团体表演的,在黑灯的影响下. 我想可以肯定地说,那些参加的人度过了美好的时光,笑得很开心. Lets= Glow Eagles.
我们现在已经准备好进入秋天,在苏维岛享受我们的秋季节日舞蹈.  It's now time to get our flannels out, 当我们在南瓜地享受一年一度的秋季盛宴时,踢起你的靴子,享受一个有趣的时光. See y'all there. 


学生们暂时离开教室,与老朋友团聚, make new friends, and have fun with many different activities all over campus. 学生们还可以从两辆不同的食品车上选择美味的食物. 最令人惊喜的是,学生们还得到了一辆专门用来装美味冰淇淋饼干的卡车.


我们的高年级同学在去坎比格罗夫会议中心过周末之前,能够参与校园里一些令人兴奋的活动. 这是一段甜蜜的时光,学生们互相领导,少数工作人员可以看到学生们作为一个班级一起互动. 由同学们带领的敬拜时间是美好的,是一个简单的拔掉插头,一起团契的甜蜜周末. 

Seniors take a moment to capture this memory. 大四学生期待着这段时间,而大三学生期待着他们的大四. 这次静修是他们开始高三的一个重要方式,许多毕业生回来后对他们的高三有不同的感觉.

高级撤退 was a refreshing and bonding experience. 我觉得在校外和高年级同学一起度过的时光很棒, you could feel the bonding happening between everyone. It was also a very spiritual experience, I loved being able to help out leading worship, 看着和听着每个人都怀着对基督的热情敬拜,这让我非常高兴,让我完全惊讶于神在整个退修会期间是如何运作的.


Past WCHS Activities


By Ashley Ames
Join us for prom at The Oregon Golf Club! The evening will start at 6:30pm and go until 10pm.

Frequently asked questions:
  1. Do I need a date to attend 毕业舞会?
    No! You can come solo, with a date, or with a group of friends!
  2. Can I bring someone from a different school?
    高年级学生将有机会带来来自不同学校的人. These spots are limited so it is first come first serve! Check your email for further details. 
  3. Do we get dinner at prom?
    是的,你知道! There will be gluten free and dairy free accommodations. 细节如下:
    - Caesar Salad Greens
    - Caesar Dressing on the Side
    - Balsamic Dressing on the Side (dairy free)
    - Penne, Sauce Arrabiata (no cheese, dairy free)
    - Gluten Free Pasta, Alfredo, Fresh Herbs
    - Farfalle, Alfredo, Fresh Herbs 
    - Zenner's Italian Sausage
    - Grilled Pesto Chicken
    - Garlic Breadsticks (no cheese, dairy free)
    - DESSERT: Freshly Baked Cookies & 布朗尼 
  4. How are we supposed to dress for 毕业舞会?
    毕业舞会 is a formal event. This means that girls should wear long, 正装男士应穿燕尾服或深色西装,通常搭配领带或领结. 
    Dress code does apply. Please see the student handbook for further details.
  5. What will we do at prom?
    晚会包括社交、拍照(包括照相亭)!), dinner, crowning of prom king and queen, and dancing of course!


April 06, 2023
By Ashley Ames
Powdertuff是西区的新活动之一,将于4月6日星期四举行! Get ready for laughs, competition, and an all around fun evening!
The evening begins at 6pm and will go until 9pm in the gym.
男孩们按班组成排球队,由我们自己的排球女孩指导! 我们有教师通过宣读,宣布和计分板参与. Come out and cheer our students on!


By Ashley Ames

的西区 wants to see YOUR talent! 

3月24日星期五下午1:50 -2:30我们将在礼堂举行一年一度的才艺表演.

Parents of contestants are welcome to join!


By Ashley Ames
Freshmen - Saturday, March 18th from 6pm to 8pm @ Langers

Sophomores - Saturday, March 18th from 6pm to 9pm @ Bullwinkles

Juniors - Saturday, March 18th from 6pm to 8pm @ WCHS

Seniors - Tuesday, April 4th from 10:30am to 12pm @ DEFY 



Valentine's Day Valo-grams!

February 14, 2023
By Ashley Ames
Buy a Valo-gram for a friend for $1!

What is a Valo-gram?! 嗯,你可以写一张纸条,贴在美丽的花上,在课堂上送给那个人! 

Student Council will be selling Valo-grams on Monday the 13th. They will be delivered the next day…Valentine's Day!  Spread the love and buy a Valo-gram!


5/13/23 - By Ashley Ames
4/6/23 - By Ashley Ames
3/24/23 - By Ashley Ames
3/18/23 - By Ashley Ames
2/14/23 - By Ashley Ames


Activities Throughout the Year

点击这个 link for a summarized list of 的西区 activities with descriptions!